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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Trending In America: Reduced Penalties Drug Prevention And Treatment In The Land Of Liberty

July 15, 2017

by gary ratchford

Dear MarijuanaVoters

Sixteen states in the land of liberty today provide misdemeanor penalties
for simple possession of drugs like heroin, cocaine powder and base,
and hallucinogens such as LSD etc.
All of these drugs were formerly classified as felonies.

The sixteen states are Wyoming, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Vermont, Tennessee,
South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Maine,
Iowa, Idaho, Delaware, Colorado, California, and most recently Oregon makes seventeen.

In America 70 to 100 million people have criminal records.  America is in jeopardy
of becoming a nation of criminals and policing from a position of fear.  That's
fourteen to twenty million new arrests every year.

MarijuanaVoters propose the land of liberty move from penalty, prosecution, & punishment
to forgiveness, redemption, and restoration.

MarijuanaVoters are forever joined together in the fight for freedom.

In 1973 Oregon became the first state to decriminalize small amounts of cannabis
In 1996 California was the first to legalize medical cannabis.

Twenty nine legal medical marijuana states have since followed the cannabis revolution.

MarijuanaVoters are not encouraging people to go out and use drugs irresponsibly.

MarijuanaVoters are saying people shouldn't be arrested for personal drug use, or decisions
about what they put in their own bodies.

MarijuanaVoters are saying if personal drug use leads to criminal activity then those involved
could be prosecuted similar to alcohol.

The enormous amount of capital needed to pinpoint arrests, prosecute, incarcerate, and
supervise first time offenders is definitely not money well spent, and has caused more harm
than good.


Happy Weekend, Lien Back, & Twist A Fatty 🇺🇸

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